Studies of Chemistry at the Universities of Bonn and Freiburg. Diploma Freiburg 1969, Dr. rer. nat. Freiburg 1973, Habilitation Freiburg 1980
Visiting scientist IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, USA 1983 and UC Berkeley 1984
Professor of Chemistry at the Free University of Berlin 1990
Coordinator of the bilingual master study programme chemistry at the Free University of Berlin 1997
Coordinator of the International PhD Programme Chemistry at the Free University of Berlin 2003
Coordinator of a European Network in the Human Capital & Mobility program on "Localization and Transfer of Hydrogen" 1995-1998
Member 1996 and Head 1997 of the program commitee of the Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie
Organization of the International Autumn Bunsen Discussion Meeting "Hydrogen Transfer: Experiment and Theory", Berlin, September 1997 (mit J.Manz).
Guest Editor March-Issue 1998 of Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics on "Hydrogen Transfer: Experiment and Theory" (with J.Manz)
Vice Chair Isotopes Gordon Conference 2000; Chair of the Isotope Gordon Conference 2002.
Co-organization of the programme of the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 2002 on "Kern- und Elektronenspins als dynamische und kinetische Sonden"
Member of Editorial Board Magn.Res.Chem., 1997 Member of Editorial Board Spect. Lett. 1996
Guest Editor 2001 Journal "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry" Special Issue NMR and Hydrogen Bonds
Associate Editorial Board member of "Chemical Physics" 2001
Member Advisory Board of the International Conference on "Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research" 1998
President Advisory Board of the Internationalen Conference on "Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research" 2001-2003
Chair of this conference Berlin 2003
Heisenberg fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1981
Lecture fellowship of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie Frankfurt 1982
Hermanos Elhuyar-Hans Goldschmidt-Lecture award from the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker and the Real Sociedad Española de Química 1999.
Honorary Professor of Physics at the Faculty of Physics, State University St. Petersburg, Russia
Walther-Nernst-Denkmünze Award of the Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft of Physical Chemistry