The current research program is focused on the design and the study by NMR spectroscopy of the structure and dynamics of isotopically labeled molecular model systems for proton and hydride transfer. The range between small organic molecules embedded in liquids, solids and surfaces, modified enzymes, oligonucleotides and transition metal hydrides is covered. The whole instrumentarium of variable temperature liquid and solid state NMR spectroscopy is applied. The aim is to measure kinetic, equilibrium and geometric isotope and tunnel effects of hydrogen transfer in high- and low-barrier hydrogen bonds and in the coordination sphere of transition metal catalysts, and to model the results theoretically. A substantial part of the work is done in collaboration with other research groups specialized in other areas of spectroscopy, synthetic and theoretical chemistry, supramolecular-, polymer- and biochemistry, material and surface science.
Topics for research laboratory stages
Physical-chemical research regarding the structure and dynamic of molecules in condensed phases via NMR-spectroscopy; organic molecule crystals and glass, amorph solids, polymers; reaction kinetics in sol.; kinetic isotope effects; isotope labelling.In the future: Low temperature liquids, interfaces, colloids; structure and dynamic of biomolecules in liquids and solid states; biological objects.
Skills acquired during the laboratory stage
Synthesis of isotopically labeled compounds, liquid and solid state NMR spectroscopy at low temperatures, NMR as a tool for the study of kinetic processes, especially proton transfer, NMR-lineshape analysis, ab initio calculations
Further Reading
List of Publications